In the fall of 2014 Chapter commissioned a diverse group of parishioners to develop a five year strategic plan for the Cathedral. We decided to call it the Vision for Mission or V4M.
Energized by the mission statement, “Love Christ, Serve Others, Welcome All”, we are creating objectives and strategic actions under six goal areas: Worship, Music and the Arts, Formation, Community, Cathedral for the City & Diocese, and Outreach & Justice. The committee has drawn in a large number of parishioners to help form these objectives and actions, and we have referred back to the congregational survey conducted in 2013. Our hope is to implement the final plan at the beginning of 2016.
This is one of a series of blog posts, each of which gives a concise description of the draft objectives and strategic actions under each goal area. We welcome feedback and comments at www.stpaulcathedral.org/vision-mission.
Vision for Mission Objectives: Worship
St. Paul’s goal for Worship is to draw people deeply into the presence of God, honoring tradition and exploring fresh expressions of faith. Worship is our first priority – it is what differentiates us from any other non-profit that seeks to serve others, and it is essentially our reason to exist as an organization. St. Paul’s is known for beautiful and lively worship, and we seek to expand that identity to bring in more of our neighbors.
The first objective is to provide non-traditional worship opportunities which are inviting to and inclusive of young families and seekers, with combined attendance to average 150+ by end of year 2020. We will do this by establishing and funding weekly non-traditional worship opportunities which include music.
The second Worship objective is to grow the average attendance at Sunday liturgies by varying percentages for each service. We will accomplish this through two strategies: we will expand musical opportunities at the 8:00 am service, and we will develop and expand our marketing plan to focus on our various liturgies.
If you wonder why we don’t mention our Spanish-language liturgies under this goal, it’s because we have a more comprehensive objective for nurturing our Latino/a members under the Community goal.
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