Thursday, July 4, 2019

B&G Introduction

Dear St. Paul’s family,

Chapter recently chartered a Buildings & Grounds Committee (“B&G,”) as one of the standing committees of the Cathedral. Mark Lester has graciously agreed to serve as chair. Here is Mark’s introduction to the mission and scope of the committee.

The traditional responsibilities of Chapter center on what are sometimes called “the temporalities” of our life together, including finance, budget, and operation and care of our buildings and grounds.  While a Finance Committee has been in place as a council of advice to Chapter on budgetary matters for many years, our previous B&G Committee faded from existence over the past ten years or so, and given the amount of activity resulting from the Cathedral Campus Redevelopment Project that we anticipate in the next three years, it became increasingly important to revive this committee of advice to Chapter.  I was honored to be asked by Dean Penny to be its first chair. Our charter is fairly broad, ranging from emergency preparedness, through review of reserve studies and reports on potential repairs, to recommending to Chapter priorities for needed maintenance and how best to fund B&G needs in the long term.  We will be moving into brand new office, meeting and classroom space in the Olive Street project in a few years, but the Cathedral and Great Hall structures are aging and in need of constant and careful attention. The B&G Committee is comprised of Cathedral members with an interest in and love of these sorts of issues, currently including Declan Brown, Jen Jow, John Will, Margret Hernandez, Ross Sippel, Jim Greer, Gary Owen, Erin Sacco Pineda and Susan Shaw Hulbert, along with ex officio members Dean Penny Bridges, Kathleen Burgess, Bob Oslie, Marshall Moore, and Susan McClure.  We will be meeting monthly on third Tuesdays, and welcome your input.  Please feel free to contact us regarding any B&G issues or questions you may have. We will call upon outside experts as needed to advise us and we are developing a list of potential consultants. If you have a particular skill or professional background which might be relevant to our work, and if you would agree to consult with us from time to time, please let me know, and we will add you to our directory of experts.  B&G is a ministry we can all participate in through our care and stewardship of Cathedral facilities. Mark LesterChair, Buildings & Grounds

Your sister in Christ,

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