Regular Wednesday Construction Updates
Site Logistics Plan review:
- Reviewed pathways and exits for upcoming work.
- Breezeway pathway from 5th Ave Queen’s Courtyard will continue to be main entry to building. New signs were installed for directions and advice that we have no ADA access currently.
- Olive St. parking lot will be available (the 2/3rds of the lot) again this week into next week. There are signs directing people to enter at the 5th Ave Queen’s Courtyard to access building.
- There will be an emergency exit rough pathway out the 6th Ave courtyard for this weekend’s services. It will be for emergency use only, not regular congregant use.
- Permit progress: still in a holding pattern, meeting next Tuesday with the city, so hopefully we will be able to get the permits needed so we can proceed with work.
- Queen’s Courtyard construction for chair lift will start next week. The barricades will go in and the congregation will have another area of construction that they will be seeing up close.
- Progress on the trenching of the 6th Ave courtyard and pathways is going well. They are doing the most amount of work possible prior to receiving the permits. The inspection dates may or may not need to be delayed. This is still TBD based on the permits.
- Work in the Kitchen ceiling will begin next week. Review of kitchen use schedule on Wednesdays will be accommodated so SPC can use the kitchen for Formation and CYF programming. There will also be a funeral and reception on Monday 7/22 so they will clear out of the kitchen by 1:30p.
- The work on Nutmeg is progressing.
- The Park Chateau removal of debris continues.
- Relocation of the mailbox was discussed. It was determined that we’ll need to speak to the mail carrier to find out what replacement spot is appropriate and how to proceed with the move out of the Olive St. parking lot entryway. Kathleen will be contacting the USPS to review details further.
- The work for the transformer pad will begin Thursday 7/18/19. This will affect the Clergy parking lot so SPC will not use the lot until Greystar completes the work they need to in that area.
- The return of the Kitchen emergency exit at the Northeastern corner of the Great Hall will be available for use again as of Monday 7/22. Currently it is unavailable because of the Park Chateau demolition.
- Kathleen advised the following updates:
- There is a date of 8/12 to move the Admin offices to the basement. If there is a tech delay in cabling the offices for the internet and new phone system, the backup move date is 8/29 due to vacation schedules.
- Bay Alarm switch over from Admin building hub to other hubs around campus for both alarm system and fire system begin this week and will last about 2 weeks. Rocky would like to meet with them as well when they arrive today.
- JDS Security is responsibly for moving or changing any of the security entry systems that we currently have installed when Greystar makes changes to the elevator lobby/office entrance.
- We’re interested in calling in Habitat for Humanity to see if they would like to salvage anything from the Admin building once it is vacant. Greystar supports this and would just need a date for when they would want to come in to get things. Kathleen will follow up on it.
- A new communication board is being created for display at coffee hour for the congregation with weekly updated information.
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