Meeting notes:
- Reviewed schedule. Things are on track for elevator work, they are up on the 2nd and 3rd floor working now. There are wires and adjustments to happen over the next few weeks.
- We’re moving forward with Bay Alarm’s fire monitoring for the elevator lobbies. We reviewed bids last week, found a solution that works and are working on the installation scheduling now.
- Elevator interior finishes discussion of painting the existing panels vs. replacing the panels vs. re-laminating the panels. Costs are being explored, and a solution is TBD.
- Lobby finishes: the ceiling guy is coming in tomorrow; the lighting should be in by the end of the week and then they should be able to have inspection. Ceiling tiles are in hand. Then flooring, wall and rail paint and lobby should be complete.
- The hot water piping for the Sacristy is in good shape. Greystar removed the old insulation and reviewed the pipes. They reinsulated with new material as well. Everything looks good so that is helping the Sacristy heat project progress. There is still an evaluation of the existing piping for radiators in the Sacristy. More review is required. Also discussed adding programmable thermostats in the process.
- Second floor landing should be ready in time to use this weekend. It is a temporary scaffolding, so we want to make sure there are “no parties” on it.
- The lights for the covered sidewalk walkways are on order and will be installed as soon as they arrive.
- Discussion about the 3-minute 24 hour drop off zone in front of the Cathedral with Chris Ward’s office and others to respond to pushback on parking from the neighborhood. Tom D will accompany Brooks to a Thursday morning meeting to review the situation and advocate for our loading zone. Greystar will provide supporting documentation about the street plans as well.
- Covered sidewalk walkways on 6th Ave will be installed soon.
- Next meeting is in one week on Tuesday, November 26, 2019 from 9:15a to 9:45a in the Fireside Room. Tom D. will not be able to attend.
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