Dear St. Paul’s family,
This fall’s series of socials has been wonderful. About 100 of you attended one of the three gatherings, and it was very clear how much cathedral people enjoy being together. I was glad to share my own excitement about where we are, with the construction well under way, the staff safely relocated, and a Chapter that’s ready to do some solid strategic thinking about the years ahead. We have a very strong and diverse slate of candidates for Chapter this year, which tells me that there is a positive and energetic spirit throughout the congregation. Let’s have some more socials throughout the winter – would you like to host one?
As we look to grow beyond our walls I am deeply grateful to those who offer their homes for cathedral gatherings, who invite friends and neighbors to experience our beautiful worship and light-hearted gatherings, who include the Cathedral in their estate plans to strengthen our longterm future. I am touched by the encounters I have outside of our walls when someone unconnected with the church recognizes St. Paul’s as an inclusive and welcoming community, or when someone approaches me to ask about the Episcopal Church. We are making a difference in this city, as we demonstrate that there is a way to be Christian that defies the stereotype of discrimination and exclusion.
I’m looking forward to next year when we will create a soft space for our children in worship, take advantage of the construction fencing to tell the world who we are, and strengthen our ministries to unchurched and Latino neighbors, while maintaining our exquisite music and worship and serving the homeless among us. There is so much to look forward to!
As we make our ingathering of pledges on Sunday I will be giving thanks for each of you who make a commitment to support this remarkable church. We can’t be here without your active engagement, and every pledge makes a difference. I hope you experience the joy of giving so that we can continue to Love Christ, Serve Others, and Welcome All.
Your sister in Christ,
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