We have been blessed with seven wonderful nominees for Chapter class of 2020. Because only five will be elected into Chapter we ask that you read each nominee's answers and pray for discernment. We will hold our election at the annual meeting on January 26, 2020.
What brought you to St. Paul’s Cathedral and why did you stay?
I attended St. Peters in Del Mar from 2001-2007, when we moved to downtown San Diego. St. Paul’s is close to our home. More importantly, I am impressed by the openness, inclusivity and numerous activities of the congregation. I especially remember attending a series of evening workshops about the then “possibility” of gay marriage, from which I learned a huge amount.
I attended St. Peters in Del Mar from 2001-2007, when we moved to downtown San Diego. St. Paul’s is close to our home. More importantly, I am impressed by the openness, inclusivity and numerous activities of the congregation. I especially remember attending a series of evening workshops about the then “possibility” of gay marriage, from which I learned a huge amount.
With what activities or ministries have you been involved and how?
Listening Hearts at St. Peters; EFM at St. Peter’s and St. Paul’s; Acolyte at St. Paul’s; Help Altar Guild at St. Paul’s; Represented the Diocese of San Diego as Church Attorney and investigator in Canon Law matters involving alleged clergy misconduct; and Represented the Episcopal Church as Church Attorney in the Canon Law, Title IV, prosecution of Bishop Jon Bruno of the Diocese of Los Angeles.
What attributes and gifts do you bring to the ministry of Chapter (please include any pertinent educational, professional or community experience)?
I have practiced trial law for 50 years which has included founding and running a law firm, representing businesses and individuals in their often extremely serious problems, serving on numerous bar association committees and making educational presentations. I also taught law as an adjunct professor at California Western School of Law and directed a trial training program for lawyers (NITA) in San Diego for nearly 10 years. I served for about 15 years as a board member and president of Defenders, Inc. which provides criminal defense for indigent defendants. Now I volunteer as a community mediator helping people resolve their problems and disputes. Thus, I bring trial experience, business experience, board and committee experience, education experience, Canon Law experience, mediation experience, and problem-solving background to the ministry of Chapter.
Why do you feel called to serve on Chapter?
In “retirement”, I search for meaningful, worthwhile opportunities to give back to our community for the numerous blessings and good fortune I received. Chapter seems like such an opportunity.
Martha L Curatolo
Martha L Curatolo
What brought you to the Cathedral and why did you stay?
In 2005 I was a Social Worker at St. Paul’s Villa and I became familiar for the very first time with the Episcopal Church. I often I visited the Cathedral but it wasn’t until 2011 that I made the commitment and decided to be received at Christ the King in Alpine where I live. I stayed because the Episcopal Church fulfilled my spiritual needs. After being raised Catholic and not going to church; I found that the Episcopal Church was what I was looking for and that couldn’t find in the Catholic Church.
With what activities or ministries have you been involved and how?
In the past I have work on different Diocesan Ministries. I was a Co-chair for the Executive council and I am still working with the Diocese in two different ministries. The first one is the Diocesan Latino Ministry that meets once a month with the Bishop and members from other congregations. The second one is the Diocesan Pre Planning Work Group (PPWG) that works towards creating a Strategic Plan for our next 3-5 years. I volunteered at the General Convention in Salt Lake City and had the opportunity to talk with the PB Michael Curry.
At the Cathedral I volunteer with Women together, Cathedral’s Stephen’s Ministry, I serve in the Sacristy for the 10:30 and 1pm. Service. I am doing first communion preparation-Goodly Play on Sundays at 12pm. At the Dioceses and the Cathedral, I assist volunteering with hosting different activities and I have been the Cathedral’s Latino Liaison since 2012.
What attributes and gifts would you bring to the ministry of Chapter? Please include any pertinent educational, profession, or community experience.
I would bring to the Chapter the skills and experience that I have acquired while working on different ministries and capacities at the Diocese and the Cathedral. I also would bring my personal perspective as a Latino congregant. I was a Chapter member before so I am familiar with the Chapter business and issues of the Cathedral. I believe that I can put to practice some of my professional community organizations skills that I have been using at work as a Social Worker and at the Latino Congregation.
Why do you feel called to serve on Chapter?
I was a Chapter member before and I would like to have once again the opportunity to bring my perspective of Latino congregant. I am committed to serve and Chapter provides that opportunity for me to offer my services. I would like to be connected to the Cathedral on ways that I can put to use my skills and experiences.
Rockette Ewell
What brought you to St. Paul’s Cathedral and why did you stay?
I came to San Diego from Cleveland, Ohio as a “trailing spouse” after my husband was offered a position at San Diego City College. We attended (and were married) at Trinity Cathedral in downtown Cleveland, a church located in the heart of the city’s struggling urban core with a focus on social justice, LGBT rights and community activism. My husband was raised in the Episcopal church, serving as an altar boy with his twin brother when he was young, and he really wanted to find an Episcopal church in San Diego that not only reflected his roots but had the same emphasis on social justice that we experienced in our worship in Cleveland. We had visited St. Paul’s for about six months when the moment came that made us know we were in the right place. That Sunday fell on Martin Luther King’s birthday weekend. The recessional was “Lift Every Voice and Sing.” As African Americans, we had no expectations that a white, upper middle-class congregation sitting in upscale Banker’s Hill would know what that song meant to people of color – much less add it to the service on such a significant weekend. We were moved to tears – and we knew we were home.
With what activities or ministries have you been involved and how?
I am currently a lector, beginning earlier this year. I previously volunteered with the Women Together ministry beginning in early 2014 through last year, serving on the steering committee that helped plan and execute the program, as well as recording and tracking RSVPs for their monthly events.
What attributes and gifts do you bring to the ministry of Chapter (please include any pertinent educational, professional or community experience)?
My background includes extensive volunteer leadership experience. I served as executive director of a nonprofit community development organization in Cleveland, so I have lived the challenges of leading a mission driven enterprise and balancing all the demands of fund development, staffing, board relationships and a million other things in service to mission – and believe I can share useful, constructive insights from that experience if elected to Chapter. I also serve on and have chaired nonprofit boards – again, experiences that I believe would allow me to make a value-added contribution if elected to Chapter.
Why do you feel called to serve on Chapter?
For the past six months, I have been thinking about what I can do – what I’m called to do - at St. Paul’s beyond Sunday attendance and serving as one of the lectors – committing to use the gifts and talents I have been given in a more significant, fresh new way in service to God and to this church community. That reflection is what led me to this opportunity.
When my husband and I were looking for a church home, we visited several churches with friends and family hoping to find the right fit. When I lived in San Diego previously, I had attended the Cathedral from time to time, but living in North County, our search started a little closer to home. One Sunday at St. Paul’s, however, convinced us it was well worth the drive! We were attracted to the adult education opportunities, social justice outreach, amazing music and thoughtful preaching. After about five years of attending regularly, we’ve sought additional ways to participate in parish life.
With what activities or ministries have you been involved and how?
Early on during our time at St. Paul’s we attended the Christian Formation courses with Rev. Martinhauk. Although I’ve always been Episcopalian, the church was new to my husband, and we both wanted him to have a grounded foundation in the church if it was to be our church home. Since then I have served as a lector, and we are co-chairs of the Sesquicentennial Gala Committee.
What attributes and gifts do you bring to the ministry of Chapter (please include any pertinent educational, professional or community experience)?
Professionally, after two decades in the private sector—earning an MBA from NYU and starting a software company with a school friend in 2001–I transitioned to academia. My role in Student Affairs at CSUSM has been to create pathways to higher education for our region’s students. It can be challenging work—navigating various regulations and bureaucracies—but is always rewarding. In this role, I have worked with several North County non-profits and municipal entities, and serve as a representative of the university on the Escondido Chamber of Commerce. I’m also currently editing my dissertation for my doctorate in Education from UCSD.
Why do you feel called to serve on Chapter?
I’m honored to be part of this process, and believe that this is a unique way that parishioners can express their faith by sharing their talents and passions. I believe that the cathedral offers us so much—education, music, outreach, preaching—that this is one small way to give back.
What brought you to St. Paul's Cathedral and why did you stay?
My wife, Erika, first found St. Paul's and introduced SPC to me after I moved here 5+ years ago. SPC fulfills every aspect of what I want in a church. More than an any other church I've been associated with, SPC comes the closest of truly walking the talk.
With what activities or ministries have you been involved and how?
Chronologically: Greeters, Vision for Mission, Human Resources Chair, Showers of Blessing, Cathedral Sound, Chapter class of 2019, People's Warden, Endowment Cmte., Finance Cmte., Realm team, Stewardship Commission, Peace & Justice member (former chair), Community Life Council, Nominating Cmte. Chair, Building & Grounds Cmte., Dean's Warden,
What attributes and gifts do you bring to the ministry of Chapter (please include any pertinent educational, professional or community experience)?
I have a significant background in Human Resources, both in-house and as a consultant. I have an MBA in management and have many years of serving on vestries.
Why do you feel called to serve on Chapter?
After moving to San Diego, a little over six years ago, my wife introduced me to St. Paul’s Cathedral, a place she had grown to love. When I first attended, I understood why. I have said in the past and in different settings that of all the Episcopal churches I have been involved with, SPC comes the closest to truly “walking the talk.” I knew I had found my new church home.
It has been my practice to get involved in any church I’ve been a member of, and it was no different here. What better way to meet others than to become a member of the Greeters. Thus, began my journey and I soon found myself as part of the “Vision for Mission” task force.
For the last three years I have had the pleasure of serving on Chapter. In my second year, I was elected by my fellow chapter members to serve as the People’s Warden. This past year, I have been honored to have been appointed as the Dean’s Warden. Serving as a Warden provides a wonderful opportunity to truly dig into the many aspects and complexities of the Cathedral.
A major rationale behind last year’s change in our By-laws, allowing for a Chapter member to serve for two consecutive terms, was for the Cathedral to benefit from the knowledge and understanding which had been gained during the first term. It would be my continued honor to be able to continue in service to St. Paul’s Cathedral.
David Spencer
What brought you to St. Paul’s Cathedral and why did you
In 2009 when my partner and I moved to San Diego, I was thinking about my spiritual life and where it should be headed. During this time, I was not attending church. I was raised Roman Catholic and was feeling quite alienated by the lack of support I received from the church as a gay man. I felt the Vatican, by no fault of its local clergy, was quite antiquated in its teachings and catechisms, and frankly quite judgmental towards certain parishioners. Counter to the teachings of Christ, I believed that “because of my sins” I was not fully accepted by the Catholic church. This and other factors left me feeling quite empty spiritually and not really into religion much. However, I wanted to keep my options open, as I thought somewhere in this world the true teachings of Christ of accepting everyone must be practiced, right? I remembered hearing about Bishop Gene Robinson and the growth the Episcopal Church was having towards accepting gay people. I looked up St. Paul’s online and decided to attend a service one Sunday. That particular day there was a gay priest talking about how he served in a clinic with patients suffering from AIDS during a time when they were considered to be social outcasts, and that no matter who we were, we were all accepted in the eyes of Christ, regardless of what others thought or incorrectly believed as “Christians.” I was moved, especially knowing friends who were afflicted with HIV and having a cousin who had perished from AIDS. As I looked around feeling quite emotional, I saw a diversity of people intently listening to the priest, nodding their heads in agreement. I will never forget that day. I thought to myself, “This is the way it’s supposed to be!”
Seven years went by, and although I still didn’t attend church, my now husband and I decided we wanted to have children. So, I went back to St. Paul’s regularly to see if this place was the real deal. All those years later, the same message was being preached – everyone is welcome here. We thought that St. Paul’s would be perfect for our daughter to be baptized as well as for her to learn what it would be like to live and practice as Christ would have wanted. My husband and I talked with Jeff Martinhauk and were immediately convinced that this was a special place for us. Our daughter was born May of 2017, and she was baptized by Dean Penny Bridges. Since then I have attended services regularly, and our 2-year-old daughter, Anya, asks to go to church every week! The true sense of family and belonging I feel at St. Paul’s keep me coming back on a regular basis.
With what activities or ministries have you been involved
and how?
For over a year I have been a lector for the church, working with Craig Monsell and the group of lectors. Being a lector in the past has given me the comfort and confidence to read for St. Paul’s Cathedral. I feel that it is a way of contributing to the church and congregation. I have also indicated to Craig that I’d be interested in taking over his position once his three-year tenure has ended, as he is currently looking for someone to continue when he ends his tenure.
What attributes
and gifts do you bring to the ministry of Chapter (please include any pertinent
educational, professional or community experience)?
I hold a BA, MS, and MBA all from Case Western Reserve University in Cleveland, OH. I have extensive experience in biomedical research specializing in oncology, surgery, immunology and gastroenterology research. Additionally, I have merged my scientific background with the business world and have worked for contract research organizations where we have worked with treating patients in clinical trials for new drug development. I have worked in Project Finance and Business Development to help take on new projects, develop costing algorithms and proposals, present the company’s capabilities to its clients (mostly biotech and pharmaceutical companies), and pull through up-front deals through fully executed contracts.
I am proficient in presentation/speaking skills and Microsoft Office (Word, Power Point, Excel), among other software platforms. Given my experience in my professional life, I’d be happy to bring any of those talents to Chapter. As I mentioned in a previous question, I am currently a lector for St. Paul Cathedral.
Why do you feel called to serve on Chapter?
In April 2019, I left my career in the medical industry to focus more on my husband and 2-year-old daughter’s well-being and growth as a family. I was working over 60-hour weeks in an incredibly stressful atmosphere, to the point where I was missing out on family life as well as not taking care of myself. My husband, Suri, encouraged me to leave my job, as he felt I could bring so much more happiness to our family at home. He also encouraged me to take a break to focus on myself as well – mentally, physically, and spiritually. Since my time off I have been extremely happy and blessed to have the extra time with family. I have also been able to fulfill the physical and spiritual parts of my life. When I was approached to consider serving Chapter, I felt like it was perfect timing and a calling to not only serve my spiritual needs, but also for me to provide my services to the church. It is a way I can be fulfilled in a spiritual and organizational fashion, as well as feeling like a contributing member of St. Paul Cathedral, giving back to society in a truly meaningful way.
John Will
What brought you to the Cathedral, and why did you stay?
Tom & I were looking for a faith community that had good preaching, great music and good fellowship. We were looking for that in the RC tradition but had been searching in vain. We were invited to the November Requiem (2004) by a non-parishioner. We found all we were looking for and more. I stay because this is now my spiritual family. We sometimes disagree like any family but I know this is my home where I am loved and am a member.
With what activities or ministries have you been involved and how?
I have been the Archivist for about 12 years. This has been a great honor to collect & protect parts of our spiritual life and preserve what I can for future generations. I am Usher-in-charge on the 3rd Sunday of the month. And, I help user on other occasions as needed. This is a great opportunity to be of service to my community. I also serve as Eucharistic Visitor. This is a very humbling experience to bring the Eucharist to parishioners who are unable to attend services. They are always so grateful. And I am made so much richer for the experience. I serve on several committees as well. My hope is that I may contribute something and be able to provide an alternative viewpoint when needed.
What attributes and gifts would you bring to the ministry of Chapter? Please include any pertinent educational, professional, or community experience.
The Chapter is the “board of directors” for the cathedral. We are at a very important time in our history with the all the changes in buildings and programs. I hope to be able to offer some help with my background and experience in contracts & grants, finance & budgets.
Why do you feel called to serve on Chapter?
This is a critical time for our cathedral community. I hope that I may offer some insights and experience as a previous chapter member. I’m most interested in filling in for those who have left the chapter early.
1 comment:
After reading everyone's qualifications, I say, Wow! How fortunate we are to have such people in our church...John Micetich
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