Wednesday, September 22, 2010

My own Journey

Thanks to the warm welcome, meditative atmosphere, and ongoing support this church offers, I keep coming back! I was raised in a completely different faith, and still don't feel I "fit in" quite, to the very historic rituals of St Paul's. But the warmth conveyed is exactly the spiritual message I am looking for: a socially progressive church that cares about individual members. You absolutely live the live of Christ as I see it.

Thank you for being you!

Arlinda Stephany, a "visitor"

We've told Arlinda that there are no visitors to St Paul's: simply by being here, she's a member of the family! Please say "welcome" to her if you see her on Sunday.


shewrites said...

Welcome! I didn't feel like I fit in here for the first few years, either. It takes a while to get the hang of the liturgy and saying the creeds and knowing when to stand and sit. But it's such a great place, isn't it?!

St Paul Blog said...

Hi, shewrites,

since you write, please consider sending something to the blog about your own story!

Arlinda, sorry to miss you last Sunday--I hope you will consider writing something further for us about your "inaugural year". :^)