Sunday, September 8, 2013

NALT: Not All Like That

The gay rights activist Dan Savage has coined a new term:  NALT, which stands for "Not All Like That".  It comes from his experience in having Christians approach him to say, "We're not all like that," when he reports on anti-gay rhetoric or actions that conservatives justify on the grounds of their faith. As described in the Huffington Post,
Part of [Savage's] frustration was that he wanted these Christians, who were so eager to tell him about their enlightened stance, to focus their efforts on telling that to the Christian leaders who were condemning gay people and telling it to LGBT people, especially young Christians, who need to hear that not all Christians are... well, "like that." 
Now some Christians have taken Savage's challenge -- and even adopted his title.
The NALT Christians project is a video project that encourages Christians, gay or straight, to record a video explaining how their support for the LGBT community is related to their faith.
The purpose of the NALT Christians Project is to give LGBT-affirming Christians a means of proclaiming to the world—and especially to young gay people—their belief and conviction that there is nothing anti-biblical or at all inherently sinful about being gay, lesbian, bisexual or transgender.
Several Episcopalians have already contributed, including a video from The Rev Susan Russell, of All Saint's Pasadena, which you can see below.

Do you think the NALT project is a good way to bear witness?

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