Our Saturday afternoon Balboa Park Outreach Walks with Chris Wells, Mary Doak, Lynne and Bill Fish and others continue to invite us into compelling conversations with those who live outside. Won't you consider joining them for these hour-long walks (3:30-4:30) some Saturday soon? Email me if you're interested.
Go Public and Serve this Epiphany!
Here are some upcoming opportunities to join the Spirit in ushering God's justice- and peace-filled Kingdom into the world:
Attend the Diocesan Service Coalition Meeting
Episcopalians from across the diocese will be gathering at Grace San Marcos on Saturday, January 25 from 10 am to 2 pm to plan upcoming service projects that our churches can do together. Contact Sarah Shealy Stump for more information.
Join in on the Interfaith MLK Day of Service at Balboa Park

Take a Stand on Climate Change
Draw the Line Protest Against Keystone XL Pipeline Join Phil Petrie in his work with SanDiego350.org, an all-volunteer team of San Diegans dedicated to raising awareness, developing leaders, and advocating for climate change action. Whether you are an activist, lawyer, scientist, designer, educator, programmer, speaker, student, videographer, nurse, or musician, they need your help! For more information, email volunteer@sandiego350.org.
What You Can Do about Sex Trafficking in San Diego
Join Susan Munsey, Executive Director of GenerateHope, at our regular 9 am forum on Sunday, February 9 to learn more about sex trafficking in San Diego and what we can do to help its victims. Click here for more information.
Stick Up for Women and Girls
In too many areas of society, women are shut out, put down, or unable to get ahead. It's time for the world to change, and we need people of faith to call on Congress to change it! There are practical steps that Congress could take this year to help women and girls: increasing the minimum wage, taking bold steps against domestic violence and sexual assault, and passing immigration reform so that women in the shadows finally get the protection they need. Make sure that your senators and representative know you think their New Year's resolution should be to take these simple steps to support women. Join a Sojourners online petition here!
Help with the Next Count of our Homeless
Neighbors On Jan 24 from 4-7 am volunteers across the county will count the more than ten thousand people who live outside in San Diego, which will provide critical data for those who serve these neighbors. Learn how you can help here or contact Jessica Osmun with questions: jessica.osmun@rtfhsd.org.
Advocate for the Unemployed
More than a million Americans were left out in the cold, dropped from their unemployment assistance just days after Christmas. Every additional week that Congress fails to act, another 72,000 unemployed workers continue to lose their benefits. Make them hear this message loud and clear: Unemployment insurance helps people look for work, put food on the table, and keep their homes. It provides a sense of security during difficult and stressful times. Call (202-224-3121) or email your members of Congress today, and tell them to extend unemployment assistance without delay.
Epiphany is the season for making known Christ's powerful, redeeming love in the world!
Every blessing,
The Rev. Colin Mathewson
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