Now John the Baptist had been sent by God to baptize folks with water to prepare the way for the coming of the Messiah. He’d know who this was by a sign: when you see the Holy Spirit descend and remain on someone, that’s your man. How much time passed between this divine insight and Jesus’ arrival? Who knows? But Jesus does arrive, and the Spirit does descend on him like a dove, and the public encounters with the Christ begin. John, wide-eyed, becomes Christ’s first evangelist. “Behold! The Lamb of God!” John would cry out, pointing.
When Jesus came back the next day, and when John blurted out his incredulous proclamation yet again, two of his disciples heard. And followed Jesus out of the curiosity John’s story had kindled in them. Who was this man?! Seeking an encounter themselves with the Holy One, the Anointed One, the Christ, they scuffle slowly along the dusty path some distance behind Jesus until he turns around and says, “What are you looking for?” And when Jesus invites them into his life, they remain the rest of the day. Now these two ex-disciples of John are the wide-eyed ones. Andrew runs back to the house to grab his brother Simon: “You’ve got to come and see! We’ve found the Messiah!” Simon runs to Jesus, and his encounter leaves him utterly changed. Jesus marks this by changing his name to Peter.
And so it went: every encounter with Jesus, the Son of God, the eternal Word, God’s Truth incarnate, sent each person out to his or her friends and neighbors, coworkers and cousins with a new story. These new stories kindled fresh curiosity that drew more and more people into an encounter with our Savior. Encounter, story, curiosity -- encounter, story, curiosity -- encounter, story, curiosity: for two thousand years. And here we are today.
Why are you here? Did someone in your past tell you a story that kindled the curiosity that drew you near to God? You sought then God in prayer, or in Scripture, or in an inspired conversation or in a startling act of compassion. Do you now have a new story to tell?
Or are you here out of curiosity? Have you heard a story of healing or forgiveness or love that seemed too good to be true? Did someone tell you in all seriousness that God loves you no matter what? If you’re curious, you’ve come to the right place: like John the Baptist, the Church has helped point people toward encounters with God for a long, long time. It does this through its members and its Holy Scripture and through its sacraments. So take that first step and introduce yourself to one of our members at the welcome table outside. Join us at the rail for communion and taste holiness. Walk to the healing station and receive a prayer for wholeness and health.
Or maybe you’ve done these things and you’re wondering what’s next. Have you ever read a Bible story a few times and then imagined yourself as part of the story, perhaps observing from the back of the room as Jesus heals the paralyzed man or turns the wedding water into wine? Scripture’s stories can also generate new curiosity that will lead us back into bright encounters with God.
And some of us here have already had an encounter or two with the holy, and we have stories to share, but we cannot tell them for they do not make sense to us and we’re sure they won’t make sense to others. If that’s true for you, I’d like to invite you to participate in a wonderful experience of group discernment that we call our Listening Hearts ministry. Over a few hours of your time on a Saturday God is present with you and a few trained and caring parishioners who are praying that the Spirit help you understand and articulate more clearly a truth already inside of you. In the silences and questions and even confusion, epiphanies emerge. I wonder what you might discover about yourself and about your encounters with the holy if you participated in a Listening Hearts session?
And such self-awareness can be very, very powerful. Look at what some honest reflection by the college poet Lily Myers led to! Indeed, it is stories that allure us, inspire us, and compel us to action. Stories that mean something, that mean what they say because they come deep from within who we are. Now is the time, during this season of Epiphany, the season of the Church that invites us to make known Christ to the world, that we might revisit our own story of faith, to remember and retell anew our treasured experiences of God-with-us. God calls us to share these stories with those around us. Curiosity will follow. v In this age of social media, sharing our stories is easier and more influential than ever. As Christians, we represent Christ and the Church to the world. How will we share, like, tweet, and otherwise send out our treasured stories into the world to God’s greater glory?
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