Monday, January 19, 2015

2015 Annual Meeting

The Annual Meeting of St Paul's Cathedral was held on Sunday 18 January.  In addition to the serious business of voting on finance, staff reports, and strategic updates, we enjoyed the presentation of the Robinson Cross, named for the first rector of St Paul's (before it was a Cathedral).  This is an honor given to members of the congregation in recognition of exemplary service to our community.  (Clergy and staff are not eligible.)

This year we had three recipients:  Mark Lester, Melinda Oslie, and Harold Potter.  All three are stalwarts at SPC, and their well-deserved honors were met with enthusiastic applause and cheers, in standing ovations.

A plaque with all the recipients' names over the years is on the wall inside the Cathedral next to the narthex door.

Here are some photos:

Dean's Warden Don Pellioni and Dean The Very Rev Penny Bridges ran the meeting.  Don's an analogue (paper) kind of guy and Penny's got her iPad.  :-)

Former Dean's Warden Mark Lester, who guided us through the search for our new Dean in addition to many other roles, received a Robinson Cross.  He left so quickly we didn't have a chance for a proper photo! 

In addition to the Robinson cross, Melinda Oslie was presented with an empty jam jar, in recognition of her steady sales of marmalade and other tasty preserves for the organ fund.   Amongst her many other roles including the choir, she was also cited as "keeper of Bob" ....!

Harold Potter is a constant and tireless helper.  He can be found everywhere from assisting in the the kitchen to ushering to greeting to stuffing bulletins, and a myriad of other roles.  Well done, Harold!  


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