Tuesday, August 25, 2015

Feeding people with Loving Spoonfuls

Cathedral friend Cliff Berkowitz has been inspired by Loving Spoonfuls, and invites you to join him.  He writes,

Loving Spoonfuls, a San Diego based non-profit organization founded in 2014, has a mission to provide daily meals to those in need. I have been a proud supporter and volunteer since their beginning. By partnering with organizations that provide shelter and transitional services, Loving Spoonfuls focus their resources where there is the most impact.

 Being a volunteer, whether it is helping to assemble healthy meals, or being part of a team that distributes the meals to those in need, is always a very fulfilling experience. It is very rewarding to know that I am helping make a difference to those in need. I believe that to give on a regular basis to an organization or cause that one is passionate about is part of the solution to help solve social challenges, and feeds the soul!

 More information about Loving Spoonfuls, including ways you can help out, can be found on the web at www.lovingspoonfuls.org.

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