While it was hard to say goodbye to old friends, change creates opportunities. Assisted by a Human Resources professional, our executive staff spent most of 2015 reviewing SPC’s staffing needs. Some positions needed more; others, less. Existing staff held down the fort during this assessment period, juggling extra responsibilities and making do.
Worker Justice begins at home. The transition time also allowed us to address some concerns about worker justice right here at home. Certain key staff members were woefully underpaid. Bringing these salaries up to market standards was a matter of justice, aligning with our Vision for Mission goal to “proclaim the gospel values of justice, peace & environmental stewardship to the world through our investments, buildings & purchasing power.”
The emerging staff structure will more accurately reflect the Vision for Mission plan overall, function following vision. It should also provide strong support for our finance department. We’re excited about the new team that’s taking shape.

This is where you can make a difference. Returning to an office that’s fully staffed for growth means filling all open positions while maintaining last year’s augmented support for the Music program as well as Children, Youth & Family. Fair compensation for those employees is not only a matter of justice, it’s good business.
Fully funding all programs and staff would entail a 16% budget increase in 2016. That's a pretty tough Stewardship goal. Balancing justice and good stewardship, Chapter will consider funding increases out of reserves with the goal of increasing stewardship giving at least 6% per year over the next three years. This approach would align our budget, our revenues, and our values.
---Betsey Monsell
Treasurer, St. Paul’s Cathedral
Remember: Ingathering Sunday is 22 November!
Staffing Frequently Asked Questions
Q. Do we really need to hire more staff?
The only new staff positions contemplated for 2016 are some security services, which would be contracted out. The part time bookkeeping position will increase to full time.
Q. Can we afford these salary raises? Shouldn’t we focus on balancing the budget?
A. We can’t afford not to pay our people market wages. Not only is it a matter of justice, a budget that includes fair compensation positions St. Paul’s to hire competitively when new positions come open.
Q. Why all the changes? Everything seems to be running fine.
A. If everything seems fine, be sure to thank a staff member! Many of them have worked extra days & hours to keep things running during the assessment period. We’re also grateful to the many parish volunteers who’ve shouldered extra work during this transition period.
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