Our newly compiled Chapter met for the first time (well second but who is counting the Annual Meeting?). It is always humbling to go around the table with introductions, which we do periodically for the benefit of new members or guests. The wealth of knowledge, experience, skills, accomplishments and perspectives cannot be overstated. The ebb and flow of “administrations” continues on. Our meeting was led by our new Dean’s Warden, Mark Patzman, and joined by our newest staff member, Jeff Martinhauk. Also in attendance our 4 new Chapter members elected by the congregation at the Annual Meeting in January – Jennifer Jow, Mark Lester, Jasmin Kaeser, and Joan Reese. Our new scribe, John Stender-Custer, was given a warm and thoroughly grateful welcome as he endeavors to keep track of all that is accomplished each month at Chapter meetings.
All of these new faces blended right in as we got to work reviewing the regular reports of the staff, the Finance Committee and the LLC. Then the Dean and the Warden’s had the floor to field questions and discuss topics that might be of concern. No major issues came up this meeting. We moved on the Old Business – confirming the details and requirements of the upcoming Chapter Retreat. This is being held at St. Paul’s Senior Services newest property in Chula Vista which is called the Plaza on Friday evening, February 12 and all day Saturday, February 13. We have our work cut out for us! More on that at a later date.
Our New Business consisted of electing two new representatives to sit on the St. Paul’s Senior Services Home Inc Board – they, along with Dean Penny, attend bimonthly meetings as required by the SPSS bylaws. Joan Reese and Jennifer Jow have offered to take on that responsibility. We also discussed the congregation’s reaction to the recent news of our former Dean. General consensus is that the Bishop’s meeting the evening January 26th was well attended and well received. An additional gathering has been added to the schedule on Sunday February 7 at 2:30 pm for those who weren’t able to attend the Bishop’s meeting or to help with any lingering questions. More meetings will be scheduled as needed.
I share with you our parting prayer taken from An Order for Compline that has become for me a moment of grace each month as we wrap up our time together and go out into the world.
“Guide us waking, O Lord, and guard us sleeping; that awake we may watch with Christ, and asleep we may rest in peace.”
Until next month, I am your People’s Warden,
Elizabeth Carey.
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