Saturday, April 1, 2017

Photoessay: Altar Guild Working Party: Clean-up Day!

On Saturday, it was all hands on deck for a big working party.  Altar Guild (sacristans) and other volunteers joined in a Cathedral clean-up Day to clean and polish vessels and objects of all sorts.  They spread out in the Godly Play room, and finished with a shared lunch and fellowship.

The Altar Guild are the back-stage heroes of the Cathedral, doing everything from mending and ironing the linens, to polishing the silver, to washing up after Mass.  Do you feel called to help out on one of the teams in this ministry?  Ask Konnie Dadmun for more information!

See more photos of our hard-working sacristans here!

Thanks to Jim Witte for the photos.

Konnie working in the inner sacristy

Cherie getting down to it!

Polishing crew in the Godly Play room

Vicki and Mary are a little big for those chairs

Everyone brings an eye for detail
How many sacristans does it take.....?

Paula lays out the lunch


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