Friday, October 4, 2019

Chapter Nominations

A Message From The Dean

Dear St. Paul’s family,

Who makes the decisions around here? Did you know that we have a democratic governance model in the Episcopal Church? The board of directors of the Cathedral is the Chapter, known as a vestry in non-cathedral parishes. Each year at the annual meeting on the fourth Sunday of January you elect four people to serve three-year terms on Chapter, to serve as leaders in the congregation and to ensure that we are being good stewards of all our resources. Chapter members bear a fiduciary responsibility as directors of the Cathedral corporation.

Along with myself, a member appointed by the Bishop, and two members elected by the diocesan convention, Chapter forms a small group ministry that meets monthly with executive staff and officers to discuss staff reports and financials, to make decisions about policies, and to guide the Cathedral community in the direction we believe God is calling us. Chapter members serve on and lead committees and task forces; they show up for important events such as funerals and congregational meetings; they lead by example with financial pledges. Some have particular gifts and expertise to offer, such as accounting, strategic thinking, or law. Others bring the wisdom of experience and faithfulness, as well as a passion for ministry.

While horror stories about dysfunctional non-profit boards abound, I have personally experienced this ministry as healthy, honest, and well-intentioned. At the beginning of each meeting we check in around the table, sharing joys and burdens that we bring with us. We pray for, rejoice with, and support each other. It is a deeply meaningful ministry of servant leadership.

There are certain requirements for Chapter nominees. A nominee must:
· Be at least 18 years old; and
· Have been a regular pledging contributor of record to the Cathedral for the 210 days prior to the vote (in January); and,
· Regularly attend worship.

In recent years, the nominating committee has presented a slate of candidates matching the number of vacancies. This year we would very much like to present a larger number, preferably at least seven candidates for the five open positions. Because we have to be able to check the pledge records, it isn’t practical to accept nominations from the floor of the annual meeting. Besides, this isn’t a ministry to volunteer for on the spur of the moment: it warrants thoughtful conversation and prayerful discernment. I or any member of the nominating committee would be glad to sit down with you and help you in your discernment.

 This is an exciting time to be part of the leadership of St. Paul’s, as we plan for the new era of ministry that will open up for us once the construction is completed. I hope you will consider nominating yourself or someone else for Chapter while nominations are open throughout the month of October.

The Chapter nominating committee this year is chaired by Sue McClure, our People’s Warden. Members include myself, Margret Hernandez, Jairus Kleinert, Donna Perdue, Clemente Guarneros, and Jerry Motto. I am grateful for the hard work this committee is doing to make our nomination process as accessible and as transparent as possible.

Your sister in Christ,


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