Friday, March 19, 2010

Report from the Just Love Conference

Bill Cassidy sends us this report about theJust Love conference that exposed and challenged the so called "ex-gay" movement, which was held at the Cathedral on March 6th.

The Just Love Conference held at St. Paul’s was both inspiring and informative. Here is a summary of highlights:

The morning session
In the morning we heard excellent speakers, who covered a range of issues related to the ex-gay movement. Speakers included:
  • The Very Reverend Scott Richardson, who introduced the conference and discussed why it is important to our community
  • Joshua Romero, who talked about the experience of a person subjected to the “ex-gay” movement
  • Michael Bussee , who talked about the inside view of the founding of the “ex-gay” movement
  • Jim Burroway, who talked about the “ex-gay movement” and the draconian anti-gay legislation pending in Uganda
  • Dr. Amity Pierce Buxton, who talked about issues for straight spouses when an LGBT person lives in denial
  • Wayne Besen, who talked about the history of the "ex-gay" movement and its media manipulation
Michael Bussee, Jim Burroway, The Very Rev. Scott Richardson, Wayne Bessen.

The afternoon workshops
The Reverend Dr. Paul Egertson gave a review of church positions of LGBT issues and the inclusive movement in the Lutheran Church
Andrea Shorter is the Deputy Director for Marriage Equality, Equality California. She discussed aspects of the marriage equality movement, including Prop. 8.
Had a working session and will return in June with recommendations.
Media Workshop
Discussed material like that on California Faith for Equality
Therapeutic Workshop
Gave much practical advice, and discussed the importance of joining forces with groups like the APA.

Here are some links:

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